Dynamic Templating Intro & Shortcodes
From version 3.2 of the plugin, dynamic templating can be enabled via a backend option setting called "Handle WordPress Templates". Watch this video to grab the basics:
Here is a comprehensive list of the shortcodes you can use in dynamic templates.
Shortcodes for Single & Archive templates:
Returns the post title.
- link (defaults to 0): Set to 1 to have the article title wrapped with a link to the single post.
- link_class The CSS class to apply to each link
Show only the title as a link to the post, with a bootstrap link class.
[lc_the_title link=1 link_class="link-secondary"]
Show only the title
[lc_the_title link=0]
Show the title as a link without the underline decoration
[lc_the_title link=1 link_class="text-decoration-none"]
Shortcode overview:
Here is our own code to do this shortcode - so you understand how easy it is to make your own ones, in case you need some custom feature.
add_shortcode( 'lc_the_title', function( $atts ) { $attributes = shortcode_atts( array( 'link' => 0, 'link_class' => '', ), $atts ); global $post; if ($attributes['link']!=0) { return '<a class="' . esc_attr( $attributes['link_class'] ).'" href="' . esc_attr( get_permalink( $post->id)).'"> ' . get_the_title( absint( $post->id ) ) . '</a>'; } else { return get_the_title( absint( $post->id ) ); } });
Returns the post content.
HTML example - Content within a Styled Section
<section class="post-content"> [ lc_the_content] </section>
Returns the post edit link.
[lc_edit_post_link class="btn btn-danger btn-sm my-5"]
Custom text for the edit link (button link):
[lc_edit_post_link text="Modify This Post" class="btn btn-primary"]
Returns the post ID.
Returns the post date.
Default date format:
Custom date format: January 1, 2024:
[lc_the_date format="F j, Y"]
Verbose date format: Wednesday, April 26, 2023:
[lc_the_date format="l, F j, Y"]
HTML example - Date in a Post Meta Layout
<div class="post-meta"> Published on: [ lc_the_date format="Y-m-d"] </div>
Returns the post time.
Returns the author fields.
- field (defaults to display_name). Accepted values for the field parameter:
- admin_color
- aim
- comment_shortcuts
- description
- display_name
- first_name
- ID
- jabber
- last_name
- nickname
- plugins_last_view
- plugins_per_page
- rich_editing
- syntax_highlighting
- user_activation_key
- user_description
- user_email
- user_firstname
- user_lastname
- user_level
- user_login
- user_nicename
- user_pass
- user_registered
- user_status
- user_url
- yim
Show the display name
[lc_the_author field="display_name"]
Show the Description
[lc_the_author field="description"]
HTML example - Bio for a Single Post Template
<div class="lc-block card col-md-8 mx-auto mb-4"> <div class="card-body"> <h2 class="mb-3">About the Author:</h2> <div class="d-grid gap-3 d-md-flex pb-3 mb-3 border-bottom"> <!-- Author Avatar --> [lc_the_avatar size='72' class='rounded-circle shadow border border-primary border-2'] <div> <p class="h5 mb-1">[lc_the_author field="display_name"]</p> </div> </div> <div class="small"> <p class="text-body text-opacity-75">[lc_the_author field="description"]</p> </div> <div class="mt-4"> <a class="link-dark" href="[lc_the_author_posts_url]">Read all my post</a> </div> </div> </div>
Returns the author avatar.
- size (defaults to 96) Desired image size
- class CSS class to apply to the image tag
- placeholder_url The URL of the desired placeholder image
[lc_the_avatar size="24px" class="rounded-circle" placeholder_url="https://i.pravatar.cc/48"]
Returns the author posts URL.
Returns the post URL.
Returns the previous post URL as per get_previous_post_link
- format: (defaults to %link ») Link anchor format
link (defaults '%title'. ) The permalink format.
- in_same_term (defaults to false) Whether link should be in a same taxonomy term.
excluded_terms comma-separated list of excluded term IDs to exclude
taxonomy (defaults to category) Taxonomy, if $in_same_term is true.
- class The CSS class to apply to the link
handling the very same parameters as attributes.
Returns the next post URL as per get_next_post_link
- format: (defaults to %link ») Link anchor format
link (defaults '%title'. ) The permalink format.
- in_same_term (defaults to false) Whether link should be in a same taxonomy term.
excluded_terms comma-separated list of excluded term IDs to exclude
taxonomy (defaults to category) Taxonomy, if $in_same_term is true.
- class The CSS class to apply to the link
Returns the post terms.
- taxonomy (defaults to category)
- link (defaults to 1) Set to 0 if you just want to display the post term, without linking it
- class (defaults to 'badge rounded-pill bg-secondary') The CSS class to apply to each tag
- parent (optional) Specify a term ID to show only children of a specific term
- link_class The CSS class to apply to each link
- prefix The text that should be printed before the output, if any output is present
- suffix The text that should be printed after the output, if any output is present
Show categories, with a badge decoration:
[lc_the_terms taxonomy="category"]
Show tags with a link and custom class
[lc_the_terms taxonomy="post_tag" link=1 class="badge bg-info"]
Returns the post categories. It uses lc_the_terms internally.
- link (defaults to 1) Set to 0 if you just want to display the post term, without linking it
- class (defaults to 'badge rounded-pill bg-warning') The CSS class to apply to each tag
- parent (optional) Specify a category ID to show only children of a specific category
- link_class The CSS class to apply to each link
- prefix The text that should be printed before the output, if any output is present
- suffix The text that should be printed after the output, if any output is present
Returns the post tags. It uses lc_the_terms internally.
- link (defaults to 1) Set to 0 if you just want to display the post term, without linking it
- class (defaults to 'badge rounded-pill bg-info') The CSS class to apply to each tag
- parent (optional) Specify a tag ID to show only children of a specific tag
- link_class The CSS class to apply to each link
- prefix The text that should be printed before the output, if any output is present
- suffix The text that should be printed after the output, if any output is present
Returns the value of a given custom field. If no value is present, nothing will be returned. Please note that if you're using plugins such as Advanced Custom Fields, you can use their built-in shortcode ([acf field='fieldname' ]) for best versatility.
- field Name of the Custom field to retrieve
- filter Optional name of a function that should be applied to filter the field value
- prefix The text that should be printed before the output, if any output is present
- suffix The text that should be printed after the output, if any output is present
- output (Defaults to "span") Controls how data is displayed. Possible values:
- "span": wraps prefix, custom field value, and suffix in individual span tags
- "raw" : outputs the raw value only, without any wrapper tag
- "a" creates an a tag using the custom field value as href attribute value. Useful to make a link / button
- class Set the class of the main span (or a) tag.
- prefix_class Set the class attribute of the prefix span tag.
- suffix_class Set the class attribute of the suffix span tag.
- anchor_text (defaults to 'More Details...') Sets the link anchor text. Is only relevant is output is set to "link"
- target (defaults to '') The target attribute of the a. Set to _blank to open in a new window.
- title (defaults to '') The title attribute.
Simple example:
[lc_the_cf field="YOURFIELDNAMEHERE"]
Button example:
[lc_the_cf field="url" output="a" anchor_text="Open URL" class="btn btn-warning me-3" target="_blank"]
The HTML output will be:
let's imagine that the url field is populated by the https://yoursite.com value
<a target="_blank" title="" href="https://yoursite.com" class="btn btn-warning me-3">Open URL</a>
ACF example:
Take an image field url and use it as a background image like style="background: url(shortcode)"
background-image: url('[ lc_the_cf output='raw' filter='esc_url' field='bg_image_url']');"
The HTML output will be:
background-image: url('http://__imageurl___.com')
ACF example:
get the price and add a currency symbol before it.
[ lc_the_cf prefix="$" prefix_class="display-5" output="span" class="h1 display-1" field="my_custom_price"]
The HTML output will be:
<span class="display-5">€</span><span class="h1 display-1">900</span>
Sometimes, it can be useful to use single quotes ' instead of double quotes (") to avoid code interpretation issues.
Returns the featured image (thumbnail) of a post.
- size (defaults to 'post-thumbnail') Desired image format
- class CSS class to apply to the image tag
- style Inline style to apply to the image tag
- placeholder (defaults to 1) Set to 0 to disable the placeholder image which is shown when no image is present
- placeholder_url The URL of the desired placeholder image
Returns the full image size:
[lc_the_thumbnail size="full"]
Returns the image in a larger format and applies a class and inline style.
[lc_the_thumbnail size="large" class="w-100" style="height: 256px;object-fit: cover"]
Thumbnail with explicit dimensions:
[lc_the_thumbnail size="thumbnail" style="width:150px;height:150px;"]
Returns the URL of the featured image (thumbnail) of a post.
The shortcode is designed to fetch and display the URL of the featured image of a post or page in WordPress.
This shortcode is particularly useful when you want to link to the image directly or use the image URL for custom integrations.
- size (defaults to 'post-thumbnail') Desired image format
- placeholder (defaults to 1) Set to 0 to disable the placeholder image which is shown when no image is present
- placeholder_url The URL of the desired placeholder image
Basic usage
With Size Attribute:
[lc_the_thumbnail_url size='full']
Creating a Clickable Thumbnail that Opens the Full Image:
<a href="[ lc_the_thumbnail_url size='full']" target="_blank"> [lc_the_thumbnail size="thumbnail"] </a>
Using the Thumbnail URL as a Background Image in a Div:
<div style="background-image: url('[lc_the_thumbnail_url size='full']'); height: 300px; width: 100%; background-size: cover;"> </div>
Displaying a Button Link to the Full Image
[ lc_the_thumbnail_url size="full" output="a" anchor_text="View Full Image" class="btn btn-primary" target="_blank"]
Returns post sharing buttons for FaceBook, WhatsApp, Telegram, Twitter.
Returns the number of comments. Uses the get_comments_number WordPress function.
Returns the comments form.
Returns the sidebar widget area.
- id (defaults to 'main-sidebar') Desired widgeted area
Shortcodes for Archive templates
[lc_loop] ... [/lc_loop]
Returns the link for post editing, if user has the rights to do so
Returns the article excerpt, followed by a "read more" anchor.
length (defaults to 1). Number of words before the cut is applied
- read_more_text The "read more" anchor text.
- read_more_link (defaults to 1). Set to zero to disable the "read more" anchor.
read_more_link_class Optional class to add to the "read more" anchor element.
[lc_the_excerpt read_more_link=1 length=20]
Returns the excerpt with a button link and a maximum character length of 20.
[lc_the_excerpt read_more_link=1 length=0]
Returns only a button link with no excerpt.
[lc_the_excerpt read_more_text="read the full story" read_more_link=1 length=15]
Customize the read_more_text with a specific text.
Shortcode overview:
add_shortcode( 'lc_the_excerpt', function( $atts ) { $attributes = shortcode_atts( array( 'length' => 10, 'read_more_text' => 'Read more...', 'read_more_link' => 1, 'read_more_link_class' => '' ), $atts ); extract($attributes); //assign as variables global $post; remove_filter( 'wp_trim_excerpt', 'picostrap_all_excerpts_get_more_link' ); //remove the read more from excerpt $text = (has_excerpt( $post->ID )) ? get_the_excerpt() : wp_strip_all_tags( $post->post_content); $read_more_text = __( $read_more_text, 'livecanvas' ); $read_more = ($read_more_link == 0) ? $read_more_text : ' <a class="' . $read_more_link_class .'" href="'.get_permalink($post->ID).'">'.$read_more_text.'</a>'; $output = '<p>'.wp_trim_words($text, $length, $read_more).'</p>'; return $output; });
[lc_the_archive_title strip_label="1"]
Returns the archive title
- strip_label (defaults to empty). Set to 1 to eliminate the "Category:" label
Returns the category / archive description
Returns the metadata of a specified field for the current category archive.
- field (defaults to empty). Specifies the metadata field to retrieve.
- filter (defaults to empty). Optional. Specifies a filter to apply to the metadata value (e.g. the_content).
[lc_the_archive_meta field="description"]
Fetches the category description.
[lc_the_archive_meta field="custom_field_name"]
Fetches a custom metadata field.
[lc_the_archive_meta field="custom_field_name" filter="the_content"]
Useful to print properly rich content fields: applies filter to the metadata value.
Returns the pagination
Useful for the Search results page. Returns the current searched string.
Returns the template partial file in the theme/child theme folder
- slug Name of the template file to grab, as in the get_template_part WordPress function
[lc_get_posts] for related posts
In order to recall related posts, you can use the get_posts shortcode and configure it accordingly to the desired taxonomy
Related posts by category, display as cards:
[lc_get_posts post_type="post" posts_per_page="4" tax_query="category=related" output_view="lc_get_posts_card_view" output_number_of_columns="2" output_no_results_message="No other posts in this category" output_article_class="h-100 " output_hide_elements="Author, Date, Excerpt, Category, Comments" output_excerpt_length="15" output_heading_tag="h5" output_link_class="link-dark text-decoration-none" output_featured_image_format="medium" output_featured_image_class="w-100" ]Next Topic: Emmet cheatsheet code for Bootstrap »