Using WordPress galleries

If you need to manage a large gallery,  you can profit of WP's built in gallery feature and use it inside LiveCanvas pages

Here are the steps to do so:

  1.  In the WordPress  backend, go to  LiveCanvas > Home and enable "Gutenberg Blocks"
  2.  Go to LiveCanvas > Gutenberg blocks and click ADD NEW.
  3. Call it My Gallery.
  4. Click ADD MEDIA and make your gallery as you would do in WordPress.
    In the gallery settings, remember to link to "Media File".
  5.  Hit Publish.
  6. In the editing screen, look for the text:
    "You can embed this content using the shortcode:" and copy the shortcode
  7. Use the copied shortcode in your LC page: shortcodes are easily integrated in any LiveCanvas block or section via WordPress Integration  > Shortcode