The Blocks directory
The blocks panel shows a directory of categorized HTML snippets.
Clicking them will populate your block with the element you’ve chosen.
As with sections you can click and try to test freely and see how they fit together.
Blocks are organized in an accordion with:
- Basic blocks: a heading, a dummy paragraph, an image, an icon, a button, or a blockquote
- Embeds, basically iframes, to incorporate in one click material from youtube, soundcloud…. or a google map.
- Bootstrap blocks, where you can find items like blurb, card, alert, accordion and carousel. You’ll want to tweak their code and adjust them to suit your needs.
- WordPress Integration blocks. First of all, there is a general shortcode element - so you can integrate any third party WordPress plugin into your page.
Moreover, LiveCanvas has some powerful and versatile built-in shortcodes: get post, and get categories. They have a visual interface and can be also extended with php code.
Finally, we have a Custom blocks directory, where all your custom blocks will be stored. As you can see there is a link that brings you to the block archive section, where you can add, store and manage your custom HTML blocks. As you can imagine, this is something extremely useful for Web Designers.
After inserting a block, every block’s content can be individually edited by clicking on it - from text to images, video embeds, icons, buttons - and of course a different panel will be shown depending on the context.
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